There is a lot of support that you get from TCP. The biggest comes from David Dubbs, the Chief Marketing Officer of the company . David is a genuine super hero of the company to all the clients. He is always ready to help and keep everything real. This man will tell you the honest truth without sugar coating the message. That way you learn how to be the best you can be for yourself and your customers.
David is passionate about the value his company offers and continues to improve without increasing their costs to the customer. In fact, something really amazing happened early this year. The seven day trial use to cost $1 and the company removed that cost and made it free. No up selling and now one small discount to sweeten the deal. This product and service could easily be worth more, but no. They keep the cost low at $50 a month and now make the trial free.

The company has a fast response time to the support tickets you can use to mail into the team, through the ‘contact’ area. They are polite and very helpful.

Wait, before you send in a ‘support ticket’ with a problem, you may contact me or ask directly on the facebook group. Like myself, there are many people who have been encourage to be helpful as David. Good, generous people, who have the kindness, like David, to give you a good answer to your questions. Especially if you are in need of creative input, critiquing or assistance of advice.

David along with myself wants to see you succeed and we will help keep you on the right path.

My contact information is “here” [provide hyperlink to my contact information]

Once you have signed up for your trial, join the TCP facebook group and inform them I am you Rep”. Once you are approved as a group member facebook message me and tell me. I will formally introduce you to the group. It lets evryone know you are new and my client. many will welcome you. It’s a fun ritual. I ecourage you do this with your referrals. It embodies a sense of being apart of a ‘Team’.

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